1983-1984 : I attended some Watercolor classes and some very happy Oil painting classes with Paul Mariën at the Academy for Graphic Arts of Leuven, Belgium
1986: St. Lucas Institute, Brussels. Evening classes in Model Drawing
1994- 1996: Watercolor lessons with water color artist, Charlee Sodprasert, in Bangkok
1997: Exhibition of watercolor paintings “Portraits of Kenya” on the occasion of the Belgian week, exhibition hall, Village market, Nairobi, Kenya, July 1997
1999: Exhibition of watercolor paintings “Flowers, Fruits, Landscapes and Portraits” Gallery ‘t Park, Veurne, Belgium, July-August 1999
1999-2001: Permanent Exhibition of watercolor paintings, Art Gallery “Embryo”, Leuven, Belgium
2010: I became an online member of the Web Art Academy, London
2011: I discovered David Leffel and started working with his books and video lessons
2011: I was a finalist of the International Watercolor Competition: Tweede Grote Prijs Piet Van Aken, "Rozen zonder Doornen"
November 2011: Watercolor Exhibition "Rozen zonder Doornen" in Meise, Belgium
February 2013: I did my first workshop with David Leffel at the LBKCA, Long Boat Key Center for the Arts, Long Boat Key, division of Ringling College of Art and Design, Florida, February 2013. Chiaro-Scuro Oil Painting, Still Life’s and Portraits.
2013: Exhibition of my work "Les Vies Tranquilles..., Still Lifes, Portraits and Landscapes", Oil paintings, Rabat, Morocco.
February 2014: I attended my second workshop with David Leffel in LBKCA, Florida and I became a member of the Artist Guild, founded by David Leffel, Sherrie McGraw and Jacqueline Kamin.
March 2014: I participated in the Exhibition organized by the Cercle Diplomatique de Rabat, on the occasion of the International Women's Day, "La femme et l'art à travers le monde", Maison de l'Artisan, Medina, Rabat
2014: Discovery of Michelle Kamhi and her work on what is art ... "Who Says That's Art?"
2014: I was nominated in the Belgian Competition "Schilderij van het jaar" 2014
2015: Exhibition at Art-Eindhoven April 2015
June 2015: Exhibition of my Watercolours: "Springtime Joy" in Rabat, Morocco
May 20-21, 2016: A joint exhibition together with my good friend Terese Attalah from Hawaii (Acrylic): An Artistic Expression of Culture and Friendship
2017: We moved back to Belgium
2019: I started working on the translation of Michell Kamhi’s book: “Who Says That’s Art?”, into Dutch: “Wie zegt dat dit kunst is?”
(the book will soon be published in the Netherlands at De Blauwe Tijger)